When it comes to building a street legal ROXOR, there are three absolutely necessary parts almost regardless of what state you’re in. Without these parts, your ROXOR will fail to meet street legal requirements, so they are critical whether you’re getting an inspection or getting pulled over by a police officer. 

#1 – Windshield

Nearly every state in the union requires that your vehicle have a windshield if you want to drive on public roads. And not just any windshield either—you need a glass windshield certified by the Department of Transportation. That means that the cheap polycarbonate windshields going around for the ROXOR aren’t going to help you get street legal. In fact, buying one of those is throwing your money away because ultimately you’re going to need a real windshield that meets the requirements anyway.

Fortress PARTIAL TIP OUT WINDSHIELD-47020102 is D.O.T. SAFETY GLASS and gives you the option to install a wiper kit, its made with a SLEEK STEEL FRAME and the ability to tip it out gives ADEQUATE VENTILATION.

#2 – Turn Signals

Are you surprised to hear that you need to have turn signals to be street legal? This one seems obvious, but not everyone realizes that you’ll need to be able to use your blinkers to be allowed on the road. Fortunately, this is an easy fix for the ROXOR.  We can install a turn signal kit that self cancels to give you the fix you need.

#3 – Side Mirrors

Is the stock rearview mirror on your ROXOR enough to meet street legal requirements in your state? The answer is: sometimes. Depending on your local regulations, you may need side mirrors on your ROXOR to meet requirements. You might also consider that for safety and convenience purposes, having an extra set of mirrors is a really great addition.